2005-03-21 20:03:43 UTC
In a message dated 3/21/2005 12:53:38 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,
By including slack into the developers relm of responcibilty you are
making the development team more accountable for the estimates it
makes. Velocity therefore represents the amount of work you will
complete in the next iteration. Not just a measure of how many story
points you got done last week.
... ... ... Agree with you on what's what, except I'm not sure
that we have the right angle on slack yet.


Part of slack is simply having time.

e.g., I show up and discuss with some people what skills they want to work
on next.
One person says TDD.

Great, I say, how about we do some?

No, he says, my work load is full for the next 6 weeks the next release. No
time to
learn something new this late in the release. Talk to my boss and have him
cut down
my promised delivery so I have some time to spend learning how to do this.

Next person says, Use cases. Great, I say, how about we do some? Her reply
as previous person's.

No slack in this case means they can't look up long enough to build new

