Practice: Stories
Kent Beck
2004-11-15 18:29:11 UTC
Plan using units of customer-visible functionality. "Handle five times
the traffic with the same response time." "Provide a two-click way for
users to dial frequently used numbers." As soon as a story is written,
try to estimate the development effort necessary to implement it.

Software development has been steered wrong by the word "requirement",
defined in the dictionary as "something mandatory or obligatory." The
word carries a connotation of absolutism and permanence, inhibitors to
embracing change. And the word "requirement" is just plain wrong. Out of
1,000 pages of "requirements", if you deploy a system with the right 20%
or 10% or even 5%, you will likely realize all of the business benefit
envisioned for the whole system. So what are the other 80%? Not
"requirements"; they weren't really mandatory or obligatory.

Early estimation is a key difference between stories and other
requirements practices. Estimation gives the business and technical
perspectives a chance to interact, which creates value early, when an
idea has the most potential. When the team knows the cost of features it
can split, combine, or extend scope based on what it knows about the
features' value.

Figure 6: Sample story card

Give stories short names in addition to a short prose or graphical
description. Write the stories on index cards and put them on a
frequently-passed wall. Figure 6 is a sample card of a story I wish my
scanner program implemented. Every attempt I've seen to computerize
stories has failed to provide a fraction of the value of having real
cards on a real wall. If you need to report progress to other parts of
the organization in a familiar format, translate the cards into that
format periodically.

One feature of XP-style planning is that stories are estimated very
early in their life. This gets everyone thinking about how to get the
greatest return from the smallest investment. If someone asks me whether
I want the Ferrari or the minivan, I choose the Ferrari. It will
inevitably be more fun. However, as soon as someone says, "Do you want
the Ferrari for $150,000 or the minivan for $25,000?" I can begin to
make an informed decision. Adding new constraints like "I need to haul
five children" or "It has to go 150 miles per hour" clear the picture
further. There are cases where either decision makes sense. You can't
make a good decision based on image alone. To choose a car wisely you
need to know your constraints, both cost and intended use. All other
things being equal, appeal comes into play.

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2004-11-15 20:01:23 UTC
Every attempt I've seen to computerize stories has failed to
provide a fraction of the value of having real cards on a real
wall. If you need to report progress to other parts of the
organization in a familiar format, translate the cards into that
format periodically.
I am glad you have reiterated this point - real cards on a real wall
provide the most value and translate the stories into a familiar
format periodically.

In my opinion and experience, the moment stories go into a digital
format, they cease being useful as stories. The main thing they lose
is the ability to easily prioritize and reorder. Yes, you can get
those abilities when you use the tool, but I think one of the great
advances of XP is you do not need to have any "fancy" tools to be
successful. With a digital tool, it is not always clear what the
trade-offs are when you shuffle around the computerized stories.
With cards on a table, trade-offs are quite clear.
From my recent experience with XPlanner, digital stories can give the
customer an excuse not to participate and have the potential to turn
the collaborative relationship into an adversarial one. In this once
instance, I observed customer involvement reduced to just checking on
the XPlanner project to see if things are on track and feedback was
limited to questions about why are estimates taking so long.


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Erik Lundh
2004-11-16 16:29:10 UTC
Post by Kent Beck
Give stories short names in addition to a short prose or graphical
description. Write the stories on index cards and put them on a
frequently-passed wall. Figure 6 is a sample card of a story I wish my
scanner program implemented. Every attempt I've seen to computerize
stories has failed to provide a fraction of the value of having real
cards on a real wall. If you need to report progress to other parts of
the organization in a familiar format, translate the cards into that
format periodically.
Putting stories on a wall is an example of Visual Workplace, a best practice
(pattern?) strongly promoted by people experienced in Lean
Development/Manufacturing/Thinking (The artist formerly known as

Anyone can step up to a Visual Workplace, see status and what's to be done
Do not "computerize stories"!
1. Cards is much easier to hand out during a planning game orf pairs to work
My XP-teams has tought me that the Planning Game is very efficient when it
works as an anthill of parallel work
with a drum beat of sudden silence as some information is broadcasted.
Most of my teams can plan a two-week iteration in about one hour with this
(Of course they have done a demo and showed proof of acceptance tests passed
on the last iterations product before that)

An "anti-pattern" of not using cards as the primary medium was shared at a
presentation I attended recently, by a person from a team that did "XP"

The team did their Planning Game like this:
"We all sit around the customer that has all the stories in an Excel sheet.
His laptop is linked to a projector."
I asked how long each Planning Game took.
"From several hours to a day"
I suggested that they might benefit from at least putting the stories on
cards in between Planning Games.
"Yeah, well we considered that, but no one could find the time to do it"

I later found that they spent another couple of hours every iteration with
signing up individuals for tasks, instead of just letting the next available
take the next engineering task and invite someone to pair.

On the other hand, this team had been happy doing this for at least a year.
(They had taught themselves XP)


Compelcon - develops software industry - www.compelcon.se
www.XPseminarie.nu - Hur du lyckas med utvecklingsprojekt NU!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kent Beck" <kentb-***@public.gmane.org>
To: <xpbookdiscussiongroup-***@public.gmane.org>
Sent: Monday, November 15, 2004 7:29 PM
Subject: [xpe2e] Practice: Stories
Post by Kent Beck
Plan using units of customer-visible functionality. "Handle five times
the traffic with the same response time." "Provide a two-click way for
users to dial frequently used numbers." As soon as a story is written,
try to estimate the development effort necessary to implement it.
Software development has been steered wrong by the word "requirement",
defined in the dictionary as "something mandatory or obligatory." The
word carries a connotation of absolutism and permanence, inhibitors to
embracing change. And the word "requirement" is just plain wrong. Out of
1,000 pages of "requirements", if you deploy a system with the right 20%
or 10% or even 5%, you will likely realize all of the business benefit
envisioned for the whole system. So what are the other 80%? Not
"requirements"; they weren't really mandatory or obligatory.
Early estimation is a key difference between stories and other
requirements practices. Estimation gives the business and technical
perspectives a chance to interact, which creates value early, when an
idea has the most potential. When the team knows the cost of features it
can split, combine, or extend scope based on what it knows about the
features' value.
Figure 6: Sample story card
Give stories short names in addition to a short prose or graphical
description. Write the stories on index cards and put them on a
frequently-passed wall. Figure 6 is a sample card of a story I wish my
scanner program implemented. Every attempt I've seen to computerize
stories has failed to provide a fraction of the value of having real
cards on a real wall. If you need to report progress to other parts of
the organization in a familiar format, translate the cards into that
format periodically.
One feature of XP-style planning is that stories are estimated very
early in their life. This gets everyone thinking about how to get the
greatest return from the smallest investment. If someone asks me whether
I want the Ferrari or the minivan, I choose the Ferrari. It will
inevitably be more fun. However, as soon as someone says, "Do you want
the Ferrari for $150,000 or the minivan for $25,000?" I can begin to
make an informed decision. Adding new constraints like "I need to haul
five children" or "It has to go 150 miles per hour" clear the picture
further. There are cases where either decision makes sense. You can't
make a good decision based on image alone. To choose a car wisely you
need to know your constraints, both cost and intended use. All other
things being equal, appeal comes into play.
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Erik Lundh
2004-11-16 17:03:50 UTC
Post by Kent Beck
Give stories short names in addition to a short prose or graphical
description. Write the stories on index cards and put them on a
frequently-passed wall. Figure 6 is a sample card of a story I wish my
scanner program implemented.
When I started with XP 5 years ago, I immediately bumped into formal
requiements, as well as real need, for traceability of
user stories, engineering tasks, and acceptance tests.

(Traceability of requirements throughout the development cycle is especially
important if you do medical or other safety-critical development.)

I solved this in my first XP-team with a simple practice hat I learned from
my accountant when I first started my own business in 1982.

"Mark each proof of expense or income with a unique number.
Start at 1 and count up.
Start over each fiscal year."

I teach my teams to

* Mark each User Story with US and a number. Eg US1, US2, etc

* Mark each Acceptance Test with an AT and a number, eg AT1, AT2, etc
Mark also each Acceptance Test with a short form reference to the user
story it verifies, eg US52.

* Mark each Engineering Task with an ET and a number, eg ET1, ET2, etc
Mark also each Engineering Task with a short form reference to the user
story it contributes to, eg US52.

The teams maintain a single card with three numbers on it: The last used
number for each of US, ET and AT.
This card is kept with the other cards, usually on a wall with adhesive

We mark cards immediately when we create them, not when we prioritize and
plan with them.
This means that there is usually little or no correspondance between actual
priority and the reference numbers.

We backup the iteration plan with still images of our wall.

Some teams plan at the wall, some teams take down the adhesive boards and go
and plan in a meeting room, every forthnight.

I know that Mike Cohn, author of the excellent book "User Stories Applied"
recommed us avoiding numbers on stories in favor of good titles.

I say do both.

Mike sees a risk that people do not think enough about what a story means,
and that the numbers imply an order of priority.

I agree with the value of having strong titles on each user story, since it
helps the team to think of what they actually build.
Much like Dave Wests discussion of object names in his recent book "Object
But I find that the short form references, as outlined above, adds value as

The practice of short form references actually fulfills even the strongest
formal requirements for traceability if the team add the US#/AT#/ET#
references in their checkin comments in the version control.

Most heavy process and tool pedlars say that you need a lot of processes and
tools to achieve traceability.

The truth: You just need references that you can trace.


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