ANN: XP2005 Informative Workspace workshop
Rachel Davies
2005-04-17 18:33:07 UTC
Hope this is an appropriate place to invite participation...

CALL FOR POSITION PAPERS - XP2005 Workshop: Informative Workspace - Sheffield, UK
RachelDavies (rachel-***@public.gmane.org)
Tim Bacon (timBacon-***@public.gmane.org)

Join our workshop at the XP2005 conference, to explore ways to establish an Informative
Workspace which provides useful feedback. Informative Workspace is one of the new XP
practices launched in the second edition of XP Explained (Beck & Andres). The practice is
to build feedback mechanisms around an agile team that support them in their daily work.
These feedback mechanisms can take the form of visual displays (Information Radiators)
that are manually updated by the team or electronic eXtreme Feedback Devices (XFD) such
as lava lamps or audio signals linked to automated processes. It is vital to ensure that
feedback mechanisms are easy to interpret, low maintenance and adapted to local

We encourage participation from developers, coaches and managers with experiences to
share on creating informative workspaces within their organizations. Interested people
should submit a position paper to the organizers describing their background and interest
in the workshop.To attend you need to register for XP2005 conference.

* Personal Background.
Briefly outline your experience with agile software development.

* Suggestions for Informative Workspace.
Describe one or more techniques or practices that you believe are helpful for creating an
Informative Workspace. Why do you believe these are beneficial? Have you used them?
Have you observed others use them? What contextual factors do you believe may make
them more or less likely to lead to success?

Workshop Overview
The workshop will start with introductions followed by a short presentation to introduce
the topic. Next participants will share their experiences by reading their position papers.

The workshop will then move on to an exercise. Participants will be divided into teams and
given a manual task to perform as a group. Teams then experiment with simple tracking
to see if this improves performance.

During the workshop, participants will develop ideas for Informative Workspace
innovations - prototyping ideas for automated feedback devices, chart formats or
workspace layouts.

The presenters will photograph all the outputs and arrange for these to be uploaded to the
workshop web page.

For additional reading and photos, please see http://www.agilexp.com/
